How to Block Someone On Facebook Messenger

At the end of this guide on how to block someone on Facebook messenger you’re going to see how easy and simple it is to keep that person off reach on Facebook Messenger chats.

Are you tired of someone’s unsolicited messages, do they bug you with annoying messages, and abuse your Messenger inbox, then you may decide to block them using this guide.

And once you block them on Messenger, they will not be able to contact you on Messenger anymore, they will not be able to send you messages and you cannot reach them too.

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Also, it is important to know that when it comes to how to block someone on Facebook Messenger, that when you block people on Messenger, it does not extend to the whole Facebook platform – instead, it is only from reaching you on personal Messenger inbox.

How to Block Someone On Facebook Messenger On Messenger Website

1. Start by going to the official Facebook Messenger website on your web browser.

2. If you’re not already logged in, login with your Facebook account login details.

3. Scroll to the person you want to block and use your mouse to hover over your existing chat with person.

4. Notice the gear symbol that appears on the right-hand side of the person’s name when you hover the mouse, and then click on it.

5. Select the option “Block Messages” and confirm your decision to block such person.

This will automatically block that person and they will not be able to send you messages anymore on Messenger.

Also Read – How to Unblock Someone On Facebook

Yes, that’s it on how to block someone on Facebook Messenger via browser. Let’s see how to do this using the Facebook Messenger app.

How to Block Someone On Facebook Messenger Via Messenger App

1. Start by opening the Facebook Messenger mobile app on your iOS or Android Smartphone device.

2. Login to your account with your Facebook login details if you’re not already logged in.

3. Scroll down to the person you want to block, tap on their name to open the chat with them.

4. Tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the messenger page right there.

5. Click on “Block” from the list of option that appears. And confirm your decision to block such person from Messenger.

Once you confirm this, the person is instantly blocked and they will not be able to reach you anymore on Messenger.

And that’s it on how to block someone on Facebook Messenger via Messenger app. If you have any issue with your Facebook account, click here to contact their help center, otherwise drop us comment in the comment section below and we reply you as soon as possible.