A lot of people do not know they can complete Yahoo mail registration without phone number and this is very easy to achieve. Yahoo mail is an email service offered by Yahoo!, one of the most popular email service providers. To create a new Yahoo mail account is completely free. And there is charges as long as you have access to the internet you can sign up Yahoo mail and also check your email account at any point in time.
If you have been thinking whether it is possible to create an email account without phone number, then the answer is yes, and right on this page is a quick tip on how to register a Yahoo email address account without entering your phone number.
READ ALSO – How to Create a Yahoo Mail Account With Phone Number
N|B: Your phone number is used for account verification to help assist you should you loss access to your Yahoo mail account. Thus, it is necessary to enter your valid phone number to complete your account registration. And so again, if you do not have a mobile phone number, you can create a free Yahoo email account without phone number.
Yahoo Mail Registration Without Phone Number
If you have a phone number, it is recommended that you register the Yahoo mail account with your phone number, this will help Yahoo secure your account, and also help you should you lose access to your account. This is very important, but where you do not have a phone number, you can still create an account by following this simple tip.
To sign up a new Yahoo email address account without a phone number, what you will need to do is to get a virtual phone number from services such as Textnow.com or its counterparts, and use it for your account registration.
Once you get this number, go here to complete the Yahoo registration and set up your Yahoo mail account.