How do you close down a group on Facebook? | How to Delete a Facebook Group – Close Facebook Group

How do you close down a group on Facebook?  – Facebook group can be used for several purposes , it is very effective when you want everyone to have a say. It’s more like a forum but works better than Facebook pages especially when you really want members to to contribute. But what happens if the group isn’t fulfilling its motives? Yes!!! You can archive the group or delete the Group.

How do you close down a group on Facebook?

Deleting your Facebook group is drastic and final. Once you’ve done it, there’s no going back. You’ll lose all the content and threads. All the work you put in will be gone for good. So before you delete, consider the other options.

If you are 100% sure you want to delete scroll down to point 4.

1. Change the Group’s Name and Branding

Instead of deleting could re-branding the group work? It can be disheartening when you grow an engaged group but members constantly recommend your competitors in their comments. Usually, this is because you didn’t make it clear that the group is owned by your business when you set it up.

If so, a re-brand could fix the problem. Change the group name, add branding to your cover images, and link it to your Facebook page. Here’s how.

Change the group name

  • Click the three dots underneath your cover photo.
  • Select “Edit group settings” from the drop-down menu.
  • Edit group settings to change the name of your Facebook group
  • Type in your new group name next to “Group Name.”

Change your Facebook group name to the new branded version.

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Add branding to the cover photo

Your group cover image size is 1,640px by 859px. Use Canva, or your preferred graphic design tool, to create a Facebook group cover that includes your logo.

Link the group to your page

Linking your page to your group lets you post, like and comment as your page on your Facebook group.

To link your group to your Facebook page:

  1. Click the three dots under your cover photo.
  2. Select “Edit group settings” from the drop-down menu.
  3. Under Linked Pages /,click “Link Your Page.”

Link your group to your Facebook page so that you can post and comment as your business

Click “Link” next to the page you want to link.

Select the page you want to link your group to

2. Appoint New Admins

Friendships form in groups—members make real connections and support each other. Deleting the group and destroying these relationships can end in hurt feelings and damage your reputation.

Instead of deleting, offer to hand your Facebook group over to new Admins. Look for active members in the group who might want to take on the role.

If you hand the group over to new admins, disconnect the group from your business and consider renaming it so that members can see there has been a change.

I also recommend pinning a post to the group explaining the handover and welcoming new admins.

  1. To assign new admins
  2. Click on the “Members” tab.
  3. Click on the three dots next to the member you want to give admin rights to.
  4. Select “Make admin” from the drop-down menu.

Hand your group over to new admins

3. Archive Your Group

Only a group creator can delete a group unless the creator has left. In that case, any admin can delete the group. The process is irreversible—archiving a group is not.

Archived groups remain in-tact with all photos and threads still visible for members to read. An archived group will not appear in search results for non-members and no new members can join.

Admins can still block and delete people and threads but the group descriptions cannot be changed.

Archiving is reversible. If you change your mind you can un-archive a group and return to active use.

This could be the best solution if you are taking an extended break from your business or are working on a project that means you don’t have time to give to the group.

It also means you will continue to have access to the content and threads in the group that could be a resource in the future.

How to archive a group

  • Click the three dots under your cover image.
  • Select “Archive group” from the drop-down menu.
  • Archive your Facebook group by clicking the three dots under your cover image and selecting ‘Archive group’

A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the action.

4. Delete Your Facebook Group

If none of the options above work for you then yes, deleting your Facebook group might be the right choice. Deleting a group is permanent. You’ll lose all the content and threads—there is no going back.

Before you hit delete
Tell your members. Your group members have contributed and helped the group grow. They’ve built connections and relationships. It’s courteous to let them know you are deleting it.

This gives them a chance to download any images or videos they’ve posted, note any valuable information shared, and become Facebook friends with the people they’ve connected with.

Give members plenty of time to prepare—tell them when you’ll delete the group and suggest other groups they could join.

The hardest part about deleting a group is that, at the time of writing, there is no way to archive all the data from your group like you can as a page. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to go through your group content and download any images and videos you want to keep.

How do you close down a group on Facebook? | How to Delete a Facebook Group

Groups are deleted when they have no members. If you created a group, you can delete the group by removing all its members and then yourself. Admins can’t delete a group they didn’t create unless the original creator chooses to leave it.

To delete a Facebook group, do this:

  • Go to the group you want to delete and click Members below the cover photo
  • Click next to each member’s name and select Remove from Group
  • Select Leave Group next to your name once you’ve removed the other members

Note: Deleting a group is a permanent action that can’t be reversed. If you’re an admin, you can archive the group instead.

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